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Looking for Passive Income?

Resell The
Bundle 2.0

300,000+ eBooks

The Biggest 
eBooks Reseller Bundle on The Internet!

More than 300,000 Books In More Than 500 Genres,
Sell them under your name and build a profitable business

Untitled design - 2023-12-22T002422.388.png__PID:29a503df-ff75-4d64-ab23-da326607fe8f

Superior Quality

High-quality, updated books featuring superior image resolution, available across a wide range of genres to match your interests.

Lifetime Access

We provide you with lifetime access to a diverse collection of eBooks, each accompanied by a reseller license. There are no subscriptions or limitations.

Popular Formats

All eBooks come in widely-used formats compatible with smartphones, tablets, PCs, laptops, iPads, iPhones, and Kindles.

Always Updated

Thousands of new books added regularly, covering all genres and interests. This means you'll never run out of new eBooks to offer your customers.

The Biggest
Reseller Bundle
on the internet!

Unlimited Editing and
Rebranding Rights

Unlimited Editing and Rebranding Rights

You have the freedom to set your own prices and keep 100% of the profits.

-Edit Content & Covers
-Claim Authorship
-Create audiobooks or print copies
-Translate into any language
-Sell anywhere, any format, no limits

Buy Once, Resell for a Lifetime

BUY ONCE and get lifetime access to legally licensed eBooks.

-Start selling today, even if you have zero experience
-No recurring fees or hidden costs
-FREE eBook updates and additions
-Set up once, earn continuously from your eBook sales
-Access to guides and reselling courses

Buy Once, Resell for a Lifetime

BUY ONCE and get lifetime access to legally licensed eBooks.

-Start selling today, even if you have zero experience
-No recurring fees or hidden costs
-FREE eBook updates and additions
-Set up once, earn continuously from your eBook sales
-Access to guides and reselling courses

Order Now And Get:

Bonus 1 (16).png__PID:8cbd2d6e-89bd-44c1-86c6-68168e195ab5

Pre-Built Online Store

($750 Value) (3).gif__PID:364dc9cd-256a-4ef8-87a2-ba2cf7fecfb0

Ready to Go: 150 digital items & eBooks are in place, each with its own picture and clear description

All Set Up: Home page, product pages, and all the extras are set up for you. Just pick a store name, host it and go online

Step-by-Step Guide: We show you how to start. It's super easy!

Access OVER 400 ready-made planners covering every niche and interest area, from daily task planners to specific hobby trackers

Easily modify planners with your branding elements, offering unique products to your clients

Save countless hours typically needed for planner creation with our ready-to-use collection

Bonus 1 (14).png__PID:a73fe597-9a28-448c-a8d3-c19fdd0e674e

Ultimate Planner Bundle

($650 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post.png__PID:d98958f2-d999-42ce-b241-475f59684bb2
Bonus 1 (13).png__PID:4653a582-92c7-4b88-bda6-bda1cfad6519

40,000 Done-For-You Viral Reels Library

($999 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (2).png__PID:73f45888-4eb3-4965-b99f-9777316ed7fa

Your ultimate toolkit for dominating platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube zero effort

Exclusive access to 4 in-depth courses and playbooks that reveal the secrets to growing faceless social media accounts

Viral categories such as motivation, lifestyle, natural wonders, financial wisdom, health tips, and productivity

Select from over 20,000 top-tier templates to elevate your content with no design skills needed

Click, Edit, Create - Skip the hassle of starting from scratch

includes a wide variety of themes tailored for business, coaching, lifestyle pursuits, and much more

Bonus 1 (12).png__PID:90ed303b-1226-4fec-83f8-23c03a78f9a8

The Ulimate Canva Vault

($400 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (4).png__PID:38371687-331b-4e8d-b65f-496c174a11ab
Bonus 1 (11).png__PID:701272d7-f4a7-403a-b485-deea2a7e665e

Sheets & Tasks Mega Pack

($299 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (10).png__PID:87b69c97-3b8f-48a6-ab30-a73e4a01ef7e

Google and Excel spreadsheet templates for financial tracking, project management, data analysis and more

Pre-made sheets ready to use for business operations, educational purposes, and personal planning

Over 10,000 kids activity worksheets to inspire and educate

Extensive library of premium courses proven to sell across multiple niches

Done-for-you courses you can quickly customize and market as your own

Stay ahead of the curve with courses that are updated regularly to reflect the latest industry trends

Bonus 1 (10).png__PID:2070b93e-b4cc-4a99-afb7-54d328f36f9f

500+ Profit-Ready Courses

($999+ Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (12).png__PID:712c1d17-0c8f-4099-a7fd-10e9b9991b13
Bonus 1 (17).png__PID:1992a45c-4fd5-4364-b506-98aab960ee8a

10 Million PLR Articles & 1500 Audiobooks Mega Pack

($300 Value)

1500 AUDIO BOOKS (1500 × 1000 px)7777.png__PID:4d9b1bc7-a57b-449f-b978-426d42f722a9

Resell the audiobooks and articles endlessly to maximize earnings

Edit and publish the articles with your own authorship

A rich collection of 1500 audiobooks in various genres, perfect for reselling or personal enjoyment

Use them in your own projects or RESELL them to others with the reseller license

Save money on licensing fees and avoid the hassle of with multiple copyright holders

Bonus 1 (18).png__PID:0aaf5ec0-9706-472b-ac72-dfe54cd65661

2,000+ Royalty-Free Music Tracks

($250 Value)

Bonus 1 (14).png__PID:a73fe597-9a28-448c-a8d3-c19fdd0e674e

Ultimate Planner Bundle

($650 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post.png__PID:d98958f2-d999-42ce-b241-475f59684bb2

Access OVER 400 ready-made planners covering every niche and interest area, from daily task planners to specific hobby trackers

Easily modify planners with your branding elements, offering unique products to your clients

Save countless hours typically needed for planner creation with our ready-to-use collection

Bonus 1 (13).png__PID:4653a582-92c7-4b88-bda6-bda1cfad6519

40,000 Done-For-You Viral Reels Library

($999 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (2).png__PID:73f45888-4eb3-4965-b99f-9777316ed7fa

Your ultimate toolkit for dominating platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube zero effort

Exclusive access to 4 in-depth courses and playbooks that reveal the secrets to growing faceless social media accounts

Viral categories such as motivation, lifestyle, natural wonders, financial wisdom, health tips, and productivity

Bonus 1 (12).png__PID:90ed303b-1226-4fec-83f8-23c03a78f9a8

The Ulimate Canva Vault

($400 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (4).png__PID:38371687-331b-4e8d-b65f-496c174a11ab

Select from over 20,000 top-tier templates to elevate your content with no design skills needed

Click, Edit, Create - Skip the hassle of starting from scratch

includes a wide variety of themes tailored for business, coaching, lifestyle, and much more

Bonus 1 (11).png__PID:701272d7-f4a7-403a-b485-deea2a7e665e

Sheets & Tasks Mega Pack

($299 Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (10).png__PID:87b69c97-3b8f-48a6-ab30-a73e4a01ef7e

Google and Excel spreadsheet templates for financial tracking, project management, data analysis and more

Pre-made sheets ready to use for business operations, educational purposes, and personal planning

Over 10,000 kids activity worksheets to inspire and educate

Bonus 1 (10).png__PID:2070b93e-b4cc-4a99-afb7-54d328f36f9f

500+ Profit-Ready Courses

($999+ Value)

Online Course Launch Mockup Instagram Post (12).png__PID:712c1d17-0c8f-4099-a7fd-10e9b9991b13

Extensive library of premium courses proven to sell across multiple niches

Done-for-you courses you can quickly customize and market as your own

Stay ahead of the curve with courses that are updated regularly to reflect the latest industry trends

Bonus 1 (17).png__PID:1992a45c-4fd5-4364-b506-98aab960ee8a

10 Million PLR Articles & 1500 Audiobooks Mega Pack

($300 Value)

1500 AUDIO BOOKS (1500 × 1000 px)7777.png__PID:4d9b1bc7-a57b-449f-b978-426d42f722a9

Resell the audiobooks and articles endlessly to maximize earnings

Edit and publish the articles with your own authorship

A rich collection of 1500 audiobooks in various genres, perfect for reselling or personal enjoyment

Bonus 1 (18).png__PID:0aaf5ec0-9706-472b-ac72-dfe54cd65661

2,000+ Royalty-Free Music Tracks

($250 Value)


SELL them to others or use them in your own projects with the reseller license

Save money on licensing fees and avoid the hassle of negotiating with copyright holders.

Bonus 1 (19).png__PID:85bad7d9-1a7c-4fb6-9281-f3449e6fec98

All-in-One Graphic Bundle

($490 Value)


1 MILLION+ Graphic assets includes logos, fonts, business cards, t-shirt designs and so much more.

Ready-to-use templates, easily editable for any commercial project

Forget paying for design—get everything here and save big

Bonus 1 (20).png__PID:1d170c8f-5099-47fd-90e9-b9991b13127b

Ultimate Social Media Kit

($185 Value)

2000+ Social media banners, posts, stories, and much more

No experience needed! Simply edit the templates and use them for your social media.

Set your own prices!
And Sell For...

eLibrarya AI Software

Purchase Today and Enjoy Lifetime Access With No Monthly Fees to Our Ultimate AI Suite – it's everything you need to excel in the online marketplace.

Write Easily with AI: Instantly craft ads, blogs, social media posts, and more with our AI writer.

Quick Image Creation: Our AI helps you make pictures for your business without needing to be an artist

Text-to-Speech Technology: Easily convert text into natural voiceover with a choice of 1356 voices and 146 languages

Smart Photo Insights: Gain deep insights from images with our advanced AI analysis

Bonus 1 (19).png__PID:85bad7d9-1a7c-4fb6-9281-f3449e6fec98

All-in-One Graphic Bundle

($490 Value)


1 MILLION+ Graphic assets includes logos, fonts, business cards, t-shirt designs and so much more

Ready-to-use templates, easily editable for any commercial project

Forget paying for design—get everything here and save big

2000+ Social media banners, posts, stories, infographics and ready ads templates

No experience needed! Simply edit the templates and use them for your social media

Bonus 1 (20).png__PID:1d170c8f-5099-47fd-90e9-b9991b13127b

Ultimate Social Media Kit

($185 Value)

Set your own prices!
 And Sell For..

As (9).png__PID:4e17a359-c565-445f-bdef-1b7bff42365f
As (8).png__PID:081a2449-3c99-4c0a-b140-d9d4226d149c

Introducing eLibrarya AI Software

Purchase Today and Enjoy Lifetime Access With No Monthly Fees to Our Ultimate AI Suite – it's everything you need to excel in the online marketplace.

Write Easily with AI: Instantly craft ads, blogs, social media posts, and more with our AI writer

Quick Image Creation: Our AI helps you make pictures for your business without needing to be an artist

Text-to-Speech Technology: Easily convert text into natural voiceover with a choice of 1356 voices and 146 languages

Smart Photo Insights: Gain deep insights from images with our advanced AI analysis

eBooks Preview

Here are some of the topics covered by Ultimate Bundle 2.0

Explore a diverse range of highly popular genres and books. Ranging from history to math, and from poetry to relationships, business, and pets, you're sure to find thousands of titles that match your interests.



























Mythology & Fiction




Everything you need in one Package

Discover popular magazines, novels, children’s books, niche-specific books,
Researches, Reports, and so much more!

Simple Bold Ebook Mockup Templates Facebook Post (2000 x 1172 px) (1).png__PID:b8d2b8b4-ed3d-49e5-bb5f-cd04797c4ef1

Passive Income life?

Create an online business that generates passive income
and live the life you've always wanted with an average income of 10,000$ for existing resellers

See What Our Customers have to Say

Untitled design - 2024-01-08T175749.375.png__PID:f438ee90-d799-4310-8300-f7f77c915866
Untitled (675 x 1200 px) (1).png__PID:b8d9c848-7305-4ba3-a161-4d135c761518

Are you ready to start your own profitable online business?

Purchase Our reseller license and start making passive income by re-selling your own 300,000 eBooks Bundle.

Enjoy the freedom of working from anywhere at any time

Sell each eBook separately or bundle them together to increase your profits

The potential to earn up to $10,000 per month on average

Our Reseller Course guides you to sell like an expert

ONLY limited number of Licenses Offered

Get Your License NOW!

Are you ready to start your own profitable online business?

Purchase Our
reseller license and start making passive income by re-selling your own 300,000 eBooks Bundle.

Enjoy the freedom of working from anywhere at any time

Sell each eBook separately or bundle them together to increase your profits

The potential to earn up to $10,000 per month on average

Our Reseller Course guides you to sell like an expert

ONLY limited number of Licenses

Get Your License NOW!

Got Questions? 

Limited Time Special Offer

85% Today's Discount

Reseller License

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

300,000 eBooks

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

10 Million PLR Articles

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Lifetime Access

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

All Future Updates

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Royalty-Free Music Tracks

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Graphics Bundle

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Ultimate Social Media Kit

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Sell individually or

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Sell Unlimited times

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Guides and Courses

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

Pre-Built Online Store

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

Lifetime Support

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

400 Planner Bundle

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

40K Reels Bundle

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

Ultimate Canva Vault

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

Sheets & Tasks Mega Pack

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

500+ Profit-Ready Courses

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

Rebranding Tutorial

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1

Elibrarya Ai Software

Your paragraph text (24).png__PID:2656ec89-ff91-4bcb-a42f-213e734ba9f1


Normal Price: $379

Today's price:


White Label

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

300,000 eBooks

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

10 Million PLR Articles

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Lifetime Access

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

All Future Updates

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Royalty-Free Music Tracks

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Graphics Bundle

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Ultimate Social Media Kit

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Sell individually or

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Sell Unlimited times

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Guides and Courses

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Pre-Built Online Store

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Lifetime Support

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

400 Planner Bundle

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

40K Reels Bundle

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Ultimate Canva Vault

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Sheets & Tasks Mega Pack

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

500+ Profit-Ready Courses

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Rebranding Tutorial

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61

Elibrarya Ai Software

Your paragraph text (22).png__PID:a23f6202-ef8c-441b-a9d8-33dbd057ed61


Normal Price: $679

Today's price:


N.B We will only be offering this product at a single low payment for the first and final time.

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*This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.*

© Copyright 2024 Elibrarya. All Rights Reserved.

Have questions? Please contact us at

*This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.*